2011年10月6日 星期四

Review - Chap 1

Chap 1. Wasting time equal wasting money: Do not steal time

          Jewish people earns their money by earn their time first, because for them "Time is Money"

So wasting time equal wasting money, it is definitely unacceptable for Jewish people.

they manage their time or plan very carefully, they even plan out what time has to be started and what time

needs to be finished, they do not accept delay or any distraction when they are at work.

Jewish people even calculate how much time they got left before they are leaving this world, so they can work

out how much time they needs to work before retired.

         Since time means so much Jewish people, every second means so much to them. once the schedule has

been planned, they need to follow it. As soon as the bell rings, they leave their work, even for the typist, if

they are willing to stay for another couple seconds, they could have finish a report, They still wont stay in and

finish it, they will come back tomorrow to finish it off. The strong time concept raise Jewish people's work


           Jewish people understands time lost are as important as pecuniary loss. so they do not let visitor

visit their work place, in case the visitors can be distraction. even if it is a phone call about the business, they

still need to arrange or make a booking beforehand, uninvited guests are very unwelcome.

